Committees and Topics
CLRC Technical committee (alphabetic order)
Amzajerdian, Farzin, NASA, USA
Belmonte, Aniceto, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Calhoun, Ron, Arizona State University, USA
Cariou, Jean-Pierre, Vaisala, France
Dolfi, Agnes, Onera, France
Emmit, Dave, Simpson Weather Associates, USA
Engelmann, Ronny, TROPOS, Germany
Gibert, Fabien, CNRS, France
Harris, Michael, ZX Lidars, UK
Henderson, Sammy, Beyond Photonics, USA
Ishii, Shoken, NICT, Japan
Kanitz, Thomas, Rhea System B.V., NL
Kliebisch, Oliver, DLR
Masaharu, Imaki, Mitsubishi, Japan
Rupavatharam, Krishna, Montana State University, USA
Sjöholm, Mikael, Technical University of Denmark
Tucker, Sara, Ball Aerospace, USA (agreement pending)
Yoshikawa, Eiichi, JAXA, Japan
Wildmann, Norman, DLR, Germany
Witschas, Benjamin, DLR, Germany
Wu, Songhua, Ocean University of China
Topics for 22nd CLRC
- Joint CLRC-ILRC Session: Past, present and future synergy of heterodyne and direct detection lidar applications
- Laser Radar Fundamentals Theory, Modeling and Simulation
- Atmospheric Propagation and Refractive Turbulence Effects
- Coherent and Direct Detection Wind Lidar
- Ground, Airborne, and Naval systems
- Space-based systems
- Coherent Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles
- Wind Lidar for Wind Energy, Aviation and Atmospheric studies
- Coherent DIAL, DISC and Aerosol Lidar
- Coherent Sensing Modalities and Architectures
- Coherent Laser Radar Technology Components
- New Technologies
- New Algorithms and machine learning for Coherent Lidar Applications
The 22nd conference on coherent laser radar technology and applications is the latest in a series beginning in 1980 which provides a forum for exchange of information on recent events current status, and future directions of coherent laser radar, coherent optical technology, and advanced applications. (Previous CLRC)
The conference serves as a biannual forum for the exchange of current and future developments within the field of coherent laser radar for imaging and remote sensing, including wind lidar using both coherent and direct detection techniques. The conference will include both invited and contributed papers on all aspects of coherent laser radar, coherent optical technology, and advanced applications such as FMCW lidar for autonomous vehicles. The meeting will highlight recent advancements including component technology such as integrated photonic devices for coherent lidar, instrumentation, systems (surface, airborne, and space-based), measurements and signal processing techniques, novel sensing techniques, and emerging requirements for coherent laser radar applications.